Behavior Analyst Assessment

Behavioral assessment involves various methods, including direct observations, interviews, checklists, and tests to identify and define targets for behavior change. The behavioral assessor uses a trauma-informed approach to observe, describe, explain, predict, and sometimes correct behavior. Behavioral assessment can be useful in clinical, educational, and corporate settings.

Couple Therapy

Couple Therapy is a means of resolving problems and conflicts that couples have not been able to handle effectively on their own. It involves both partners sitting down with a trained professional to discuss their thoughts and feelings. The aim is to help them gain a better understanding of themselves and their partner, to decide if they need and want to make changes, and if so, to help them to do so.


Understanding that some families don’t necessarily live in the same household or have shared custody, this intervention features the combination of psychoeducation with activities to foster positive collaborative parenting skills, congruent self-nurturing home practice exercises, coordinated nurturing family time, and positive brain development in children birth to 18 years while the parents take active roles in raising their child (children). Co-parenting counseling is an arrangement where both parents share responsibility for raising their child or children in a spirit that promotes cooperation, healing, and growth at Amitie. Our approach regards the children and their best interests as the principal client.

Family Therapy

This service is a type of psychological counseling that helps family members improve communication and resolve conflicts. It may include all family members or just those able or willing to participate. Family therapy sessions can teach the members skills to deepen family connections and get through stressful times, even after they are done with going to therapy sessions.

Grief Therapy

This intervention aims to help people cope with grief and mourning following the death of loved ones or with major life changes that trigger feelings of grief (divorce or job loss). It includes thinking creatively about the challenges that follow loss and coping with concurrent changes in their lives. Often people feel disorganized and tired, have trouble concentrating, sleep poorly, and have vivid dreams, and they may experience changes in appetite.

Parenting Assessment

The Nurturing Parenting Programs target all families at risk for abuse and neglect with children birth to 18 years. The programs have been adapted for various family populations, including Hispanic, African American / Black, Hmong, foster and adoptive, military, teen parents, children with health needs, parents with special learning needs, and families in alcohol treatment and recovery programs. This evidence-based assessment helps us identify a starting point and level of risk.

Parenting Behavioral Observations

Counselors meet with the child and parent to observe natural interaction, then follow up with recommendations that encourage healthier relationships.

Therapeutic Visitation

Designed to help parents who cannot have unsupervised access to their children due to a history of child physical or sexual abuse, domestic violence, substance abuse, or mental illness an opportunity to build a nurturing and appropriate relationship with their children.

Warrior Group

Group support for individuals with a history of Trauma and experiencing challenges managing their day-to-day, including managing their health and daily capacity to function efficiently. This service focuses on helping the client to reach and maintain wellness while addressing other stressors and triggers and offering support during their healing journey.